In his address to a joint session of Congress this week, Obama called for every American to pursue some form of education beyond high school. Not only is this goal unrealistic, but it may even be counter-productive.
Let me say right off that I think it would be great if it were realistic and attainable for every American to go to college. If for no other reason, college graduates are more likely to become conservative and Republican that non-college graduates.
Putting that aside, however, some people are clearly not cut out for post-secondary education. Some people are more suited for jobs that don't really require an education beyond high school. That's not necessarily a knock on those people or their skills or abilities. We have a good family friend who started his own plumbing business right out of high school. He had worked for a plumber during his High School years and was ready to go out on his own at the age of 18. He developed a successful business and sold it when he was around 50 years old (for a substantial amount), then worked for the corporation that bought out his business as a manager on commercial construction projects.
Then there are those who aren't cut out for further education because they simply can't handle the work. If Obama wants these people to go to college, one of two things must happen. Either they are going to be set up to fail and waste a lot of time and money on an education they can't achieve. Or, colleges and/or technical and trade schools will have to be "dumbed down" in order to accommodate those who aren't capable of doing the work as it is today. That sort of accommodation helps no one and would do great harm to our nation and its education system.
Having said that, there is no question that there should be more people going to colleges, universities and technical schools than are currently going. Too many parents (often poor, uneducated, minority and single parents) do not place enough of a priority on education to make their children motivated to further their education. Others are unable to go on to higher education because they attend schools that do not adequately prepare them for furthering their education.
There is no question that America would be more productive and thus produce more wealth if more young Americans would avail themselves to the opportunities that this nation has to offer in the way of Education.
However, Obama simply saying that more kids should go to school, and even offering to pay for it, isn't likely to be a solution to the problem.