Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Little Girl With Political Connections at Town Hall

A little girl at Obama's town hall meeting in New Hampshire was concerned about the signs outside "saying mean things" about his health care proposals. Eleven year old Julia Hall asked "How do kids know what is true and why do people want a new system that can help more of us?"

What a cute kid. What a cute question. That little girl was just "incredible," wasn't she?

She couldn't have been a "plant." Or could she?

Well, it seems her mother is Kathleen Manning Hall, a pledged delegate for Barack Obama at the Democratick national convention in Denver. She was an early supporter of Obama. As early as 2004 when she heard a speech he gave, she worked to get Obama elected.

"I realized Barack Obama was a unique politician the first time I heard him speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, where I was a volunteer. I was simply blown away by his inspirational message and I continued to follow his career. ... he is the only candidate who can inspire and bring real change to our country and restore America's credibility and leadership around the world. I'm committed to doing everything I can to help him get elected president," Kathleen Hall wrote during the 2008 campaign.

And she appears to be committed now to helping him push his socialist agenda, even if it means using her kid as a plant in a Town Hall meeting.


LL August 12, 2009 at 4:42 PM  

I can't imagine sincere Americans operating out of a sense of sanity of out of an interest for the good of the nation showing up to the sham town meeting in the first place.

They ALL have to be plants. He'd never have a REAL town hall meeting.

Sort of like the little boy Saddam Hussein played with on camera that chilled us all.

Chuck August 12, 2009 at 7:06 PM  

Incredible that he has had the only peaceful townhall so far, huh?

Z August 13, 2009 at 11:34 AM  

Chuck's right.
But, he always is :-)

I hadn't heard about this little turns my stomach.

Z August 13, 2009 at 4:18 PM
sshh!! :-)

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