Monday, August 3, 2009

Tomorrow Is Obamamas

Obama as Christ 1

Since the left considers Obama to be The Messiah, I guess that makes tomorrow "Obamamas." Yes, tomorrow we celebrate the birth of Barack Hussein Obama who was born on August 4, 1961 in Kenya ... er, Hawaii.

Stores should remain open late tonight so that we can do our last minute Obamamas shopping. If you haven't put up your Obamamas tree, you should do that as soon as possible.

Tomorrow, Obamaians everywhere will celebrate Obamamas with the traditional Pork dinner with all the trimmings. Afterwards, they will settle in and watch Michael Moore movies.

Let me be the first to wish you all, "Happy Obamamas."


LL August 3, 2009 at 7:54 PM  

Does this somehow negate "Festivus"?

I need to know whether I should dust off the old festivus pole tomorrow and prepare for feats of strength, etc.

WoFat August 3, 2009 at 8:21 PM  

Osama Bama Yo Mama Drama Lama. Twit.

Mango's Madness August 3, 2009 at 8:43 PM  

I forgot. Are the stores still open so I can go but the correct liberal toys and gifts. I feel so bad, maybe I will just sign over my paid for property to him so I can be granted a pardon. Oh I am so ashamed!

Chuck August 3, 2009 at 8:55 PM  

This holiday has become so commercialized, the stuff has been in the stores for a month, I'm getting a little jaded about it. Obamamas was much better when I was a kid IMHO.

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This blog is about my opinions and world view.  I am a conservative, evangelical Christian.  Generally speaking, if you post a comment, I'll allow you to express your view.  However, if you say something hateful, untruthful, or just generally something I don't like, I may remove it.

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