Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Education Secretary Shovels Dirt on D.C. Voucher's Grave

Congressional Democrats and the Administration have singled out Washington D.C.'s school voucher program as just about the only federal initiative NOT worth funding as part of the multi-trillion dollar spendapalooza.  

To add insult to injury, Education Secretary Arne Duncan has decided not to admit any new students to the Voucher program, which allows low-income children in under-performing schools to attend private schools. The abrupt decision was made a week after 200 poor families had been told that their children were being awarded scholarships for the coming fall.

The decision comes after a new study showing good results for the pilot program.  For all the talk about putting children first, it's clear that special interests (in particular, the NEA) that have long opposed the voucher program will be getting their way.

This program was started under President George W. Bush, who was derided by the MSM during his entire presidency as opposing education.  Which president do you suppose the MSM will tout as being the "Education President?"


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